Your Executive / Contact

Introducing your executive for the 2024 guild year.

NOTE: To reach any member of the executive with no listed email below, please contact our president who will forward your message.

Jody Jacobson

Heather B

Past President
Heather Briant

May Powell

The Treasurer in in charge of all guild funds; receiving dues, depositing receipts, and disbursing monies as authorized by the Executive Committee. As well, the Treasurer maintains all records necessary for the annual review by the auditor and prepares all required financial reports.

Lori Dunn

The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at executive, business, and annual meetings and circulates copies to the executive.

Joanne Laing

The Membership Chair processes new member applications, membership renewals, maintains an up-to-date membership list, and more.

Jan Reynolds

The Newsletter Chair is responsible for the editorial content; s/he collects submissions from board members, and produces the newsletter each month. As well as proofreading the text, the s/he is tasked with presenting the information in a pleasing design, and incorporating relevant photos. The newsletter is published and distributed to members eight times during the guild year.

Display and Competition
Leslie Batt & Susan Gaston


The Display and Competition Chair organizes the “White Glovers” to display guest speakers’ quilts and implements the display of Show and Share quilts at our monthly meetings. S/he also organizes and implements a Members’ Challenge.

Community Outreach
Anne McLauchlan


The Community Outreach Chair is responsible for coordinating community outreach projects, creating quilts for charity. She coordinates regular meetings throughout the year with teams of volunteers (at two locations), and acts as a liaison between the guild and the community. The Chair also coordinates the annual Community Quilt Night for members, when we sew blocks that are used to assemble some of the quilts for charity.

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Heather Quinn
Barb Kawasoe


Program is comprised of a dual chair, a senior and a vice-chair. The vice-chair apprentices with the senior for a year, which facilitates a smooth succession at the end of the senior’s two-year term. The Chair is responsible for the guest speakers presented at Guild meetings. The Program Chair works closely with the Workshop Chair in planning a good mix of topics. The Program Chair contacts the speaker and arranges the contract of employment. Speakers plan far ahead, so they must be booked at least a year in advance.

Leslie Batt & Lillian Perivolaris


Workshops is comprised of a dual chair: a senior and a vice-chair. The vice-chair apprentices with the senior for a year, which facilitates a smooth succession at the end of the senior’s two-year term. The Workshop Chair organizes the workshops, and manages the signup process and collects the workshop fees. During the Workshop, the Chair is on hand for any support the instructor may require. Registration for workshops begins in September. More information on current workshops can be found here, and in the current newsletter.

Shirley Stalford

The Library Chair is responsible for researching and purchasing new books and magazines to be made available to members at Guild meetings. S/he also collects and stores donations, and culls seldom-borrowed books for archives and fundraising sales.
S/he is responsible for the operation of the library at the Guild meetings with the assistance of member volunteers, and maintaining a catalogue listing as well as the circulation cards.


Jacintha Bennell

The Webmaster is responsible for the upkeep of the Guild’s website. This includes the design, development, delivery and maintenance of the website. The website is kept up-to-date of all the Guild events, including programs and workshops, announcements of members’ achievements, awards and links to appropriate sites.

Social Media
Chriss Coleman

Quilt Show

Mailing Address for the Guild

York Heritage Quilters Guild
PO Box 35510
2528 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, ON
M2L 2Y4