YHQG Library

General Information

The library is closed until we can meet again in person. Members should hang on to any library books they checked out before the first lockdown, or drop them off at one of the CQ drop off locations around the city.

The guild still making acquisitions for the library. If a guild member has a suggestion of a resource for the guild library, requests can be sent to the president’s email address: yhqg.president@gmail.com


The library is located on the main floor, off the west side of our meeting room. Book returns will be through the double doors half-way down the west side of the hall. Library books will be set up in the kitchen.  The library is open from 6:00 p.m. for return and checkout, and closes at 6:45 p.m. sharp. Come early if you want time to browse – there is a lot to see. We ask that you enter through the north door to return your books and exit with your new books through the south door.

The library contains almost 800 books, patterns, magazines and videos. There are also some photobooks containing photos from earlier guild shows- a wonderful treat! Some of our books are not put out for display, but are kept in the archives. A list of these archived books will be posted in the library, and a librarian will be happy to get one for you.

There is a binder which contains very interesting magazines from the Canadian Quilters Association (CQA). These are great to find out what is happening in other parts of Canada.

Members are permitted to take out any reasonable number of patterns, videos, and books, but only ONE new book (marked with a fluorescent sticker) and/or ONE new magazine. Please remember that books taken out at one meeting are due back at the next meeting. If you can’t be there, please find a friend to return them for you, or contact our guild president, yhqg.president@gmail.com who will direct your email to the librarian. If you have suggestions on books you would like to see in our library, we would be very glad to consider them.

Library Books Categorized and Colour-Coded

What a privilege to belong to a guild with such a huge selection of books for our craft of quilting! It is now easier than ever to find your book of choice. The books are sorted into 10 categories, signified by colour-coded labels on the top left corner of every book. Here are the categories and associated colour codes:

Appliqué: Red
Art quilts: Lime Green
Cultural (includes country/ holidays/seasonal): Light Blue
Design: Marigold
General (how-to books): White
Patchwork: Dark Blue
Quilts (general): Pink
Quilting (joining together layers of fabric): Lemon
Surface design (embellishments etc.): Lavender
Techniques (paper piecing, Seminole etc.): Salmon
Small Projects: Light Brown/Tan
Using pre-cuts: Dark Brown
Modern: Orange
Miniatures: Kelly Green
Baby & Children: Grape Purple

The books are organized by colour code when placed on the tables. Before you go to the guild meeting, you can also view this great list of books by titles, authors and subject.

YHQG Library 2015-16: Sorted by Title
YHQG Library 2015-16: Sorted by Author
YHQG Library 2015-16: Sorted by Subject

Library Policies

  • Only York Heritage Quilters’ Guild members may borrow from the library – please show your Membership Card each time you sign out materials.
  • At any one time, each member may borrow: any reasonable number of patterns, videos, and books, but only ONE new book (marked with a fluorescent sticker) and/or ONE new magazine.
  • All books may be renewed, if not already reserved by another member, except those marked as “NEW”.
  • All books and materials are due back at the next meeting (ie, books can be kept for ONE month only) so that they are available to other members. If you cannot attend, please send your items with a friend or call the librarian before the meeting to arrange to renew or return them.
  • Please contact our guild president yhqg.president@gmail.com, if you have any questions or special requests, or to reserve a book.The president will direct your email to the librarian.

Remember:  You must NOT photocopy books or patterns from the library. This violates the author’s copyright and is illegal.